Fulbright Research Excellence at UCI:
Faculty and Student Fulbright Award Recipients Share their ExperienceUCI recently earned dual distinctions of being a “Top Producing Institution” of Fulbright Students and one of the 35 inaugural “Fulbright Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Leaders.” UCI Global Engagement Office in collaboration with the Scholarship Opportunities Program, the Graduate Division, and the International Center is proud to host a panel discussion to highlight current and recent international Fulbright award recipients. This hybrid (in-person and zoom) event invites you to hear from UCI’s Fulbright student fellows and faculty researchers currently or recently engaged in international research and study. Information about the application process for faculty and students interested in applying for a Fulbright award will also be discussed.
Currently Abroad Students on Fulbright Awards:
Mando Eijansantos, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Japan Vanessa Le, Education Science, South Korea Angel Lira, International Studies, Paraguay Maryam Asghari, Mechanical Engineering, Switzerland Dr. José Caetano, History, visiting Fulbright Scholar from PortugalTuesday, May 3, 2022
4-5 p.m. (PST)
iLabs A&B, 5th floor of Science Library & Zoom webinar